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berkunjung ke kapal dalam setiap kerjanya sudah dianggap sangat ahli
masalah perkapalan dan ahli perkara perlayaran bagi sebagai orang pelaut, padahal belum tentu karena pelaut muda jaman sekarang sudah hebat-hebat, namun bagi pelaut yang ingin mempunyai software marine surveyor dapat mendapatkannya pada link tautan berikut ini, nah tulisan berikut
ini adalah tentang 28 Jenis Software Marine Surveyor Yang Paling Dibutuhkan Pelaut, silahkan di download software marine surveyor dibawah ini yang kami tulisankan pada halaman blog Info Jobs Pelaut ini jika anda merasa memang perlu dan butuh
dengan marine surveyor software free download yang ada tercantum berikut ini;
1. Draught Survey Code of Uniform Standards and Procedures by UN ECE: Under the auspices of the ECE Working Party on Coal, this Code of Uniform Standards and Procedures for the Performance of Draught Surveys of Coal Cargoes has been elaborate by experts from major coal exporting and importing countries and was completed in October 1991. The code was adopted by the ECE Working Party on Coal at its session in October 1991 and endorse by ECE Committee on Energy at its session in November 1991.
Download Draught Survey Code of Uniform Standards and Procedures(size 7 mb)
2. Procedure of Draft Survey By Prof. Dr. Yutaka Watabe – Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology: General Procedure, Principals of Archimedes, ship’s design, displacement, draft mark, standard displacement by mean draft, trim correction, and estimation of displacement.
Preview Procedure of Draft Survey
3. Bunker Survey Guide By CJA Marine Services: GUIDELINES FOR BUNKER SURVEYORS; which included: preliminary steps, procedures prior to bunkering, procedures during bunkering, after bunkering and handling dispute.
Download at Bunker Survey Guide (size 27 KB)
4. Measurement of Petroleum On Board of Marine Vessels By John A. “Jack Szallai – Orion Associates L.L.C: Marine measurements can also be used for custody transfer if no other valid means are available or the shore side custody transfer system is not available or functioning properly. Measurement of petroleum on board marine vessels, ocean or inland, are generally based on the American Petroleum Institutes “Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards”, Chapter 17, with cross references to other pertinent chapters. The material includes: petroleum measurements, free water, ROB/OBQ, sampling, temperature, Vessel Experience Factor and summary.
Download available at Measurement of Petroleum On Board of Marine Vessels (size 97 kb)
5. Software Perhitungan Minyak di Kapal Tanker
Software ini untuk menghitung jumlah muatan cair yang di angkut oleh kapal tanker, sehingga kita dapat mengetahui jumlah muatan dalam satuan liter 15, metrik tons, long tong dan barrel
Download Software Perhitungan Minyak di Kapal Tanker
6. Liquefaction (Iron Ore Fines and Nickel Ore by The Standard Club: Shipper’s responsibilities, appointment of an independent surveyor, transportable moisture limit and flow moisture point, Flow table and the can test, trimming, case studies and responsibilities.
Download Liquefaction (Iron Ore Fines and Nickel Ore (size 519 kb)
7. Draft Survey Software
Sebuah program perhitungan muatan kapal kargo untuk kargo curah dengan cara pembacaan draft mark yang ada pada dinding sisi kiri dan kanan kapal serta draft depan dan belakang kapal,
Download Draft Survey Software
8. Master’s Guide to Container Securing by The Standard Club: The purpose of this guide is to discuss container securing systems, the causes of lashing failure and to offer advice as to how losses can be minimized.
Download Master’s Guide to Container Securing ( size 2 mb)
9. Master’s Guide to Hatchcover Maintenance by The Standard Club: It is the aim of this guide to explain the key issues of hatch cover security and to steer mariners towards active maintenance. It is less expensive to keep hatch covers weathertight by regular maintenance and attention to detail, than to pay claims for wet-damaged cargo. It is crucial for safety at sea and protection of the environment to maintain hatch cover weathertightness and strength. This guide concerns steel hatch covers fitted with cleats, compression bars and gaskets.
Download Master’s Guide to Hatchcover Maintenance (size 6 mb)
10. A Basic Packing Guide by M.E. DEY: CERTIFICATION OF INTERMODAL CONTAINERS; A number of independent firms provide testing and inspection services for inter-modal container operators. Certification of adequacy of construction occurs prior to delivery of the new container to the carrier, and periodically thereafter.
Download A Basic Packing Guide (size 32 KB)
11. Bunkering Guide by BIMCO – IBIA
The purpose of this guide is to assist a ship’s officers and crew involved in bunkering operations to act in compliance with applicable regulations and industry best practice; the guide will also be of value to shore staff.
Download Bunkering Guide (size 461 KB)
12. IACS – Confined Space Safe Practice
Work in confined and enclosed space has a greater likelihood of causing fatalities, severe injuries and illness than any other type of shipyard work or onboard ships.
Download Confined Space Safe Practice (size 321 KB)
13. IACS – Surveyor’s Glossary | Hull Terms & Hull Survey Terms
This Surveyor’s Glossary of Hull Terms is intended as a guide to improve the standardization of survey reporting. It is recommended that the listed terms for hull structural elements are used throughout report narratives.
The Glossary also includes definitions of common hull survey terms that are applicable for surveys of hull structures and reporting.
Download Surveyor’s Glossary (size 647 KB)
14. IACS – Procedural Requirement for Confined Space Safe Entry
For the purpose of this Procedural Requirement a Surveyor is any person employed by the classification society conducting activities within a confined space on behalf of this classification society.
Download Procedural Requirement for Confined Space Safe Entry (size 52 KB)
15. IMO – Revision of the Code of Safe Practice for Ships Carrying Timber Deck Cargoes
This document contains the report of the Correspondence Group on the Revision of the Code of Safe Practice for Ships Carrying Timber Deck Cargoes.
Download Revision of the Code of Safe Practice for Ships Carrying Timber Deck Cargoes (size 1.26 MB)
16. LNG ship to ship bunkering procedure
This document is a procedural description of how LNG (liquid natural gas) bunkering between two ships should be done.
Download LNG ship to ship bunkering procedure (size 5.07 MB)
17. Survey and Examination of Ships’ Lifting Appliances
This pocket guide is intended to help ship operators understand the importance of good maintenance, what happens during the
examination of lifting appliances and what is required of them before an examination takes place.
Download Survey and Examination of Ships’ Lifting Appliances (size 3.24 MB)
18. A Guide to the Carriage of Steel Cargo by The Standard Club:
When carrying steel products by sea, it is essential to ensure that neither the steel nor the ship suffers damage, that the ship is fit to receive cargo and that the cargo is safely stowed and secured. Steel is a high-value cargo, a cargo easily damaged by rough handling, water and moisture. Its weight presents substantial challenges with stowage and securing. This guide aims to provide an insight into the correct method of loading, stowing and securing steel cargoes. Its advice, if followed, will assist in the avoidance and prevention of steel cargo damage claims.
Download A Guide to the Carriage of Steel Cargo (size 1.5 mb)
19. General cargo on cellular container ships by The Standard Club:
This edition of Standard Cargo sets out the steps that the club as a third-party liability insurer believes the ship owner should consider before carrying general cargo on a container ship.
Download General cargo on cellular container ships (size 834 kb)
20. Convert For Windows by Josh Madison (freeware)
Convert is a free and easy to use unit conversion program that will convert the most popular units of distance, temperature, volume, time, speed, mass, power, density, pressure, energy and many others, including the ability to create custom conversions.
Download available at
Convert is a free and easy to use unit conversion program that will convert the most popular units of distance, temperature, volume, time, speed, mass, power, density, pressure, energy and many others, including the ability to create custom conversions.
Download available at
21. ASTM Table 54A by Boriss Grahlovskis (freeware)
All calculation in program based on ASTM Table 54A – Generalized Crude Oils of Volume to 15 C againts Density at 15 C.
Download available at
All calculation in program based on ASTM Table 54A – Generalized Crude Oils of Volume to 15 C againts Density at 15 C.
Download available at
22. ASTM Table 54B by Boriss Grahlovskis (freeware)
All calculation in program based on ASTM Table 54B – Generalized Products Correction of Volume to 15 C againts Density at 15 C.
Download available at
All calculation in program based on ASTM Table 54B – Generalized Products Correction of Volume to 15 C againts Density at 15 C.
Download available at
23. ASTM Tables Program by Goldware (freeware)
API Specific Gravity and Density Converter, Weight Correction Factor (WCF), Gross Standar Volume (GSV) Conversion Factors and Russian Calculation by Captain Ioannis Filippou.
Download available at
API Specific Gravity and Density Converter, Weight Correction Factor (WCF), Gross Standar Volume (GSV) Conversion Factors and Russian Calculation by Captain Ioannis Filippou.
Download available at
24. Petroleum Calculations Program by Donald R. Huckabee (freeware/shareware)
A petroleum calculation Program. It is shareware and may be distributed freely. Table associated in program are ASTM 5A & B, 53A & B, 6A & B, 54A & B. Also Temperature conversion, Gravity Conversion, Gauging, Addictive and Calculator.
Download available at
A petroleum calculation Program. It is shareware and may be distributed freely. Table associated in program are ASTM 5A & B, 53A & B, 6A & B, 54A & B. Also Temperature conversion, Gravity Conversion, Gauging, Addictive and Calculator.
Download available at
25. DraftSurveySoftware by Seven Surveyor (trial software) – Password : 123456
A Draft Survey calculation Program. For easy draft survey calculation and save your survey time. For full version, please contact me.
Download available at
A Draft Survey calculation Program. For easy draft survey calculation and save your survey time. For full version, please contact me.
Download available at
26. OilCalculation-T6.T54 by Seven Surveyor (trial software) – Password : 123456
A Petroleum calculation program. For shipboard survey with calculation and ullage report based on Astm Table 6 and Table 54.
Download available at
A Petroleum calculation program. For shipboard survey with calculation and ullage report based on Astm Table 6 and Table 54.
Download available at
27. OilCalculation-T6B by Seven Surveyor (trial software) – Password : 123456
A Petroleum calculation program. For shipboard survey with calculation and ullage report based on Astm Table 6B .
Download available at
A Petroleum calculation program. For shipboard survey with calculation and ullage report based on Astm Table 6B .
Download available at
28. BunkerCalculation by Seven Surveyor (trial software) – Password : 123456
A Bunker Tank Sounding calculation program. Bunker survey calculation for tank sounding report based on Astm Table 54B .
Download available at
A Bunker Tank Sounding calculation program. Bunker survey calculation for tank sounding report based on Astm Table 54B .
Download available at
Demikian tulisan kami tentang 28 Jenis Marine Surveyor Software Yang Paling Dibutuhkan Pelaut semoga bermamfaat bagi anda yang sedang berkunjung ke website kami ini dan bagi anda yang tertarik dengan kehidupan sebagai seorang marine surveyor ataupun bagi pelaut yang ingin berkarir kerja di darat menjadi seorang marine surveyor mungkin anda bisa melihat-lihat dulu website seorang marine surveyor indonesia di link ini, terima kasih atas kunjungan anda !